Branding & Business Growth Blog by Ally Bee

Completing your Small Business Association Dynamic Small Business Search (SBA DSBS) Profile

Written by Drew Becker | 6/29/20 6:54 PM

Commonly overlooked by organizations looking to move into the world of federal contracting, your SBA DSBS Profile (Small Business Association Dynamic Small Business Search) is absolutely essential in marketing your business to contracting officers at the various governmental agencies.

Stop and take a look at Ally Bee Design’s SBA DSBS Profile.

First, you will take notice that the profile is COMPLETELY filled out. The largest red flag for many contracting officers is an incomplete profile. Contracting Officers (KOs) are constantly evaluating many offers. A submission by an organization, especially without government experience, could easily be discarded due to an incomplete profile.

Some fields, such as Capabilities Narrative, Special Equipment/Materials, and Keywords are less straightforward and open ended. The most important element here is MAXIMIZING the allotted space. This is your business’s time to shine.

SBA Profile Capabilities Narrative:

  1. Mention in your capabilities narrative any designation (WOSB, SDVOSB, 8(a), HUBZone, etc.), but ensure this is at the END of your narrative. While searching the database the KO/reviewer will only see the first line of your narrative, and will not be able to read it in its entirety until selecting your profile. You want to ensure more important information begins your narrative
  2. Ensure you state your experience FIRST in your narrative and why YOUR business has the expertise, knowledge, equipment to excel.
  3. Ensure you state the markets your organization has/does work with as well as the services you provide.

SBA Special Equipment/Materials Tips:

  1. State any special equipment/technologies/materials you possess that will leave you as a standout amongst others in your field.
  2. If your business doesn’t require any special equipment/materials highlight certifications and technologies you possess and have mastered.

SBA Profile Keywords Tips:

  1. Include as many keywords as possible, including general and specific words/phrases related to your business.
  2. Ensure your keywords are unique enough to capture all of your market segments. Combining keywords is better than missing your brand.

Lastly, we will cover your Performance History. Don’t worry if you do not have any current experience or business with a government entity. The important part of this section is that it is fully maximized and completed, and encompasses a variety of projects that represent a wide range of your services. 

Pro SBA Profile Tip:

Leave your number and name for each reference and provide the reference’s contact information only if contacted by a government client. This will shield competitors from soliciting your current clients.

Now that you have fully optimized your SBA DSBS Profile you are ready to compete!

For more information, interest in partnering, or anything relevant to small business/contracting, please contact us at: